Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Paleo Way - Almost 1 Month

Crazy diets.  Crazy fads.  Weight loss and healthy eating can go hand in hand.  I've suffered from mild Gastroparesis for a few years now.  My GI doctor just wants me to have more meds and more meds!  I couldn't seem to lose weight...even when working out for 2 hrs/day!  The pounds just kept packing on!  This is a story of my journey to lose weight...lots of weight.

Above is a "before" shot.  I'm the lady in the middle.  Over the next year, my goal is to get to a healthy weight before I turn 40.  With my food choices for the Gastroparesis, I was eating a lot of carbs and a lot of hidden sugars and processed food.  Because of my acid reflux, smoothies were out of the question because if I bent over, they would just come right back up.  A friend of mine suggested the Practical Paleo book written by Diane Sanfilippo, BS, NC.  She lost 15 lbs. during the 30 day challenge. 

It's available from Amazon right here 
She bought it for me for my birthday.  I was a little skeptical at first.  Um, yeah...I'm not supposed to eat any veggies not cooked.  They stay in my tummy too long and rot!  But I must say, so far my Gastroparesis is getting a tiny bit better.  There are lots of things to learn and to buy.   It's expensive.  But as with anything, it's what you make of it.  Can't go all organic?  Then don't!  Can't go 30 days totally Paleo?  Then don't!  Can't go cold turkey?  Then don't!  (Of course, they recommend that you do to get maximum results.)  This is your journey and you are the only one that can do it.  You need to do it for YOU!  Your pace.  Your rules.  Your body.  Your weight loss.  Take charge!

 Step 1 - Food

For me, my first step was to get the food that I needed.  Have a little fun with it.  I got to use my label maker ;)  Some flours and items I bought weren't Paleo.  I tried to use them up anyway so I wasn't wasting.  Live and learn right?

What I learned

Not all flours are created equal.  Unless you are doing a lot of baking, go easy on what you buy for flours.  Want a nice biscuit?  It's probably not going to happen.  Pancakes and brownies, yeah maybe...but the same bread/biscuits...nope not going to happen.  Eggs will be your best friend when cooking/baking.  After preparing all this, my go-to that I need to have on hand?  My raw almonds.

One of my favorite recipes from the Practical Paleo book is the Swirly Crustless Quiche:

I added bacon, onions and peppers.  I love bacon.  It takes a lot of eggs, but you can eat for days!

Disclaimer:  Consult your doctor before trying any new diet/exercise program.  I am NOT a doctor.  What works for my body, might not be ok for yours.   This is a story of my journey and what works for my body.  Good luck!

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